
Ever been curious about what you can learn by volunteering?


Volunteering is a great way to learn non-academic skills like leadership, teamwork, problem- solving. Resources are very constrained in non-profits and as a volunteer you can learn how these organizations make do with less and also come up with your own creative ideas about solving problems while constrained. This can also build your confidence in your ability to problem solve and work with constraints.


Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds who are interested in making a difference. They have unique stories about why they decided to start an organization, or volunteer with an organization. The people I have met through volunteering are passionate about their cause, show a lot of empathy and are willing to put in a lot of time and energy into something bigger than themselves. Whenever I meet fellow volunteers, I am inspired to do more, to be a better person. Individuals who volunteer are not doing so because they have a lot of free time. It is because they care deeply about the cause and want to help. Its not an after-thought. It helps me get away from my daily concerns with school/grades and know that there is a world out there that needs assistance and help. I have made several good friends in the volunteering community.


As teens, volunteering is a great way to test your passions and interests. For example, you may want to major in veternary science. It would be great to volunteer at an animal shelter and see if thats a good fit for you before you invest your college years studying for it. If you love it, then you’ve made new connections in the field that you are interested in! And if you don’t enjoy it, you can move on to try something else. Either way its a win!


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